Tuesday, April 29, 2008


(Reader’s Digest, Jan 2007,pp 65)

Sudoku champions be proud. The sophisticated thinking used to solve the mathematical puzzles is beyond even the most advanced computers. Professor John Hopfield of Princeton University has been studying how we solve Sudoku puzzles to understand the process known as associative memory- our ability to spot similarities and discover patterns from limited information. Every time we put the right number in a Sudoku square it provides a clue, bringing us one step closer to recognizing an overall pattern and solution. “The measure humans’ use for similarity is very difficult to capture in computer programs,” says Professor Hopfield. “Computers make no use of ‘learning’ from previous experience.”

p/s: Those love to play sudoku, gambate!

hari pekerja 2005

salam kpd semua yg sudi jenguk2 blog aq yg xseberapa lawa ni..hehe..merendah diri la kan.sbb xdpt nk puaskn hati sumer org.lgpun, aq ni not type yg kreatif & inovatif dlm bab2 designing ni..ckp psl inovatif ni, sambutan hari pekerja (labour day) m'gunakn motto inovatif, jana produktiviti (nk tau motto yg btul, rajin2 la tgk suratkhabar & TV)...

memandangkan korg sume dh bekerja (kecuali aq la!), aq ucapkan selamat hari pekerja, moga2 cuti sehari dpt kembalikn korg punyer tenaga & kurangkn stress..

aq pun scr xlangsung xde income, so sape2 yg mesej aq, i'm so sorry xdpt nk reply..kalo ade antara korang yg sudi share dgn aq, ape salahnye.hehe..ckp psl duit ni, nk ingatkn pd Razi (kalo sape2 yg baca blog ni, bg tau dia skali ye)..sblm ni aq tersilap bg kredit rm5 kt dia..x pulangkn lg kn?share je kredit yg ko ade skrg ni, kn senang?aq pun xnk ungkit byk2, tp tau2 la sendiri ye..

xtau nk ckp ape lg la (maklum la xdpt nk bersosial)..guys, happy labour day & feels good!